Friday, September 27, 2013

Tomorrow is RaceDay

Yes, tomorrow is race day.  It is a 9AM start for a Beltline 8K.  The 8K is a distance that does not happen too often.  Another unusual component is that the course is close to home.  I have run 2 races that go through the neighborhood in the last couple of years and it is fun. Lining up with your neighbors and neighborhood kids.  Running the familiar streets and seeing all those runners you see along the streets and passing by our house.  This kind of thing is great for the neighborhood.  There will be a cheering station for our particular neighborhood along the route.

This is the first running of this race and it is part of what is now a four race series along different parts of the Beltline.  I try to do them and always enjoy them, but sometimes there are scheduling conflicts. They did start off unorganized and with always late starts but are coming around with experience.

As I prepare for this race I must also look to next Sunday.  That is the date for a half marathon race that I will run.  I have done it a few times and know it is challenging.  I am looking forward to it but must manipulate my 30 for this week and next week to be prepared for it.  This week my 30 is a 25.

I will blog further on my training schedule and preparation for the half over the next two weeks.  Right now I am trying to decide if I should set my goal for an 8 minute or an 8 1/2 minute pace.  Crunching that around in my runner's brain.

I will let you know about the 8K.

What do you think?

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